Saturday Jun 25, 2016
84: Josh Cobb: How To Get Buy-in For Content Marketing in Real Estate
Saturday Jun 25, 2016
Saturday Jun 25, 2016
There is nothing more frustrating to the person - or persons - in a real estate business who 'get' content marketing, than to be shut down by other people in their agency who either don’t understand its impact, or think it’s a distraction.
The best people to create content for your business are the people on the front line. If your property managers or salespeople feature in a piece of inherently helpful content in the form of a blog post, video, podcast or some other form of media, it helps establish them as the definitive authority in their local market far quicker than any advertising or promotional tactics would otherwise achieve and it lets people get to know them before they ever meet.
However, the challenge is getting these people to create any content whatsoever, or, to keep them producing engaging content, consistently over time.
In this episode of Real Estate Pros, we'll explore a simple strategy that will help you get buy-in for content marketing in your real estate business and how to inspire the nonbelievers.
Friday Jun 17, 2016
83: Josh Cobb: How To Launch Your New Real Estate Website With A Bang
Friday Jun 17, 2016
Friday Jun 17, 2016
With the high number of agents launching their own websites recently, we’re reminded of another mistake that many real estate professionals make when setting out to build their online presence - they don’t have a launch plan.
In this episode of Real Estate Pros, we'll share some ideas to help inspire you to launch your next real estate website with a bang!
Read the highlights: stepps.com.au/podcasts
Friday Jun 10, 2016
82: Josh Cobb: What is Content Marketing & Why Should I Care?
Friday Jun 10, 2016
Friday Jun 10, 2016
Chances are you’ve heard about this thing called 'content marketing'. But as with what typically happens when a buzz phrase hits the industry, there are many myths and misnomers about what content marketing actually is.
In his book ‘Epic Content Marketing’, Joe Pulizzi, the founder of the Content Marketing Institute describes content marketing as ‘the art of communicating with your clients and prospects without selling and instead of pitching your services, you are delivering information that makes consumers more intelligent or perhaps entertaining them to build an emotional connection.’
In this episode of Real Estate Pros, we'll explore the definition of content marketing, how to apply the core tenets of content marketing in your real estate business and the challenge moving forward for those who don't.
Read the highlights: stepps.com.au/podcasts.
Friday Jun 03, 2016
81: Josh Cobb: Real Estate With A Side of Truth For Industry Professionals
Friday Jun 03, 2016
Friday Jun 03, 2016
Every year, Roy Morgan Research produce a study called the Image of Trusted Professions where they ask Australia's who they trust. According to the 2016 results, real estate agents are ranked 28 out of 30 when it comes to trustworthiness – the same result for the past four years in a row.
Instinctively, we’re all aware of the public perception of people in real estate but every year this report comes out, we’re reminded yet again of what the Australia public thinks of our industry professionals. Agent review platforms are now front and center of the real estate conversation in this country and whether you like it or not, we as real estate professionals let this happen.
In this episode of Real Estate Pros, we'll look at one stunning marketing example that fundamentally changed the perception of another industry heavyweight and the lessons for us as real estate professionals.
Read the highlights: stepps.com.au/podcasts
Friday May 27, 2016
80: Josh Cobb: 4 Ideas For Creating More Relevant Marketing in Real Estate
Friday May 27, 2016
Friday May 27, 2016
One of the hardest things to do as a real estate professional when it comes to marketing is to keep coming up with new content ideas for our blogs, social media and email marketing campaigns.
In this episode of Real Estate Pros, we look at four ideas for creating more relevant marketing in real estate.
Read the highlights: stepps.com.au/podcasts
Thursday May 19, 2016
79: Josh Cobb: The State of Social Media Marketing in Real Estate
Thursday May 19, 2016
Thursday May 19, 2016
It is no longer possible for people in the business of real estate to ignore the proliferation of social media – a powerhouse of engagement and connection at the world’s, and your customers’, fingertips.
This is the overarching message we received when we conducted our Real Estate Industry Social Media Marketing Report.
In this episode of Real Estate Pros, we look at the results of our research and the state of social media marketing in the real estate industry - from the perspective of real estate professionals themselves.
Read the highlights: stepps.com.au/podcasts
Thursday May 12, 2016
78: Josh Cobb: How Three Different Companies Dominate With Helpful Marketing
Thursday May 12, 2016
Thursday May 12, 2016
Is your marketing so useful that people would actually pay for it? Are you adding value outside of the products and services you sell?
In this episode of Real Estate Pros, we look at three very different companies who dominate their competitors with highly relevant and inherently helpful marketing.
Read the highlights: stepps.com.au/podcasts
Friday May 06, 2016
77: Josh Cobb: The Evolution of Marketing in Real Estate
Friday May 06, 2016
Friday May 06, 2016
In the beginning, marketing in real estate was dominated by advertising and that meant buying media. It meant buying space in newspapers and hoping consumers would notice before they turned the page. It meant buying time on TV and hoping consumers would keep watching when the show cut to a commercial break.
But today, the more you shout and jam your advertising in front of people’s face, the less people are going to listen. While that might have worked years ago, those days are definitely over.
In this episode of Real Estate Pros, we'll explore the history of marketing in real estate - how it was done and why it probably won't work on its own in the future.
Friday Apr 29, 2016
76: Josh Cobb: How Real Estate Agents Are Using Data To Earn More Clients
Friday Apr 29, 2016
Friday Apr 29, 2016
Traditionally, only big brands and publishers had access to consumer data to sell their products or services. They use that data to be more specific to the people that actually matter to their business instead of what we typically do in real estate which is we try to convince everyone that now is the time to sell.
Today, small businesses like yours have this data at your fingertips, but sadly, very few real estate professionals are tapping into it.
In this episode of Real Estate Pros, we'll explore how real estate agents are using data as their ultimate marketing advantage.
Friday Apr 22, 2016
75: Josh Cobb: What The Latest Facebook Changes Mean For Real Estate Agents
Friday Apr 22, 2016
Friday Apr 22, 2016
According to the Public Relations Institute of Australia, there are 15 million active Facebook accounts here in Australia and the average user spends 1 in every 5 minutes per day on Facebook. That’s 4.8 hours every day!
The latest statistics from Facebook themselves show that almost half of those Facebook users only ever log in from their mobile device – up 21% year on year. Which means by this time next year, we could see two-thirds of people on Facebook using only their mobile device to log in to their account.
For you as a real estate professional in the age of 'mobile-first', the latest changes at Facebook open up a whole new set of tools to market and operate your business more effectively and more cost-effectively than ever before.
In this episode of Real Estate Pros, we'll explore three big changes to Facebook aimed to help improve the customer experience and marketing of your business.